Thursday, March 13, 2008

Such a little dog...such a big belly

Last night I had the pleasure of hanging out at Liz's to work on some business for ADLA. While there, I got to see Riley, who Liz and Efren (Liz's boyfriend) have been fostering, and her HUGE tummy. When the pups will pop out, we can't be sure, though there have been some false alarms. Any day now, that's for sure.

Riley mama, doing just about all she can do right now, laying on Liz and Efren's apartment floor.

She's still such a sweetheart these days, even considering how uncomfortable she must be feeling. As Liz tells me, Riley is completely house-trained already, loves walks around the neighborhood and on the beach, and has been extremely easy to foster in general. What a good girl!

If you haven't read it already, an article about the famous "Puerto Rico Pet Massacre" where 80 animals were seized from Barceloneta housing projects and subsequently thrown off a bridge to their deaths on the same day in October came out in the New York Times this March 9. It's a great follow-up to the tragic event and highlights important aspects of the problems this island has faced and still faces in terms of animal welfare.

Scrutiny for Puerto Rico Over Animal Treatment

Equally as important to check out is the video also released by The New York Times featuring Nelson Rivera, shelter manager at the Guaynabo Humane Society. Nelson makes some excellent points, and most importantly stresses the necessity to sterilize our animals. We hear ya, Nelson.

In Puerto Rico, Dogs Without a Home

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