Saturday, October 18, 2008

You are what you eat

This year, as you can see, Dakota will be a chicken for Halloween, and her sister, Renita (also an adopted sato), will be a pig. If Patty wasn't such a good mom, I might comment, "Poor babies!" However, when it comes down to it, it doesn't get much cuter than dogs dressed up as chickens and pigs. Thanks for sharing, Patty. While Dakota does look a bit annoyed in the photos (Ha!), I couldn't be happier she continues to live the life she always deserved.

More news to come this weekend...I promise. There's A LOT going on. For an update right now, check out Liz's summary of recent events at the Arecibo shelter. Yup, there's trouble over there again. It's a mess: an inhumane, gut-turning mess. And, of course, Amigos de los Animales will be involved in making something, though we are working on what, happen.

Arecibo Shelter In The News Again


Agepe said...

Wow... nice pic. I like it. Greetings from Indonesia

Anonymous said...

Shantibiri - This is TOO FUNNY! Look at little bit Dakota and her sister - a chicken and a little baby piglet!! I love Dakota!