That's right...Homer has a home!! Well, for now, he has a foster home in New York. Our beloved Jessica Bengels, volunteer and contributor extraordinaire, found a friend willing to take in Homer, rehabilitate him, and find him a forever home (if she can let him go!!). The situation could not be more ideal, and I could not be more grateful.
One more step, and Homer is on his way to happiness: a flight to New York. Please donate what you can!!! We need $300 more at this point for his shipment, and Homer is NYC-bound! If you can help this boy make it over to the mainland, please email me at ShantiAbi@yahoo.com.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Homer is doing really well!! He came into Newark airport late last night, and despite the scary long flight, he had nothing but smiles and tail-wags for us. He slept in my bedroom and adjusted nicely (after a cheeseburger!)... and is now with an amazing woman who rescues Newfies. Hopefully we will find him a forever home where he can bring all his love to whoever is kind enough to take him in. He truly is a sweetheart....and does this adorable little prance-like dance when he is happy...and lifts his paw up to get more head pets. It breaks my heart!!! - Jess
I am very interested in helping Homer!
I was wondering if he is still looking for a forever home?
I've raised many dogs in my life and I've trained and rehabilitated so many more and I would love to help Homer as best as possible. I know it's 2 years later but if he still needs help, I'm really hoping someone can reach me about him. my e-mail address is wpg_dog-training@hotmail.ca.
Linda labor!! Les enviaré donativo..gracias x q existan personas tan dedicadas! Por el bien de los perritos, gatitos etc. Q sufren tanto en las calles.
Aw thanks so much for your concern for Homer! A volunteer at the animal shelter he was placed in ended up falling in love with and then adopting him, and he is a happy, healthy boy now! Thanks so much for caring about him! I think of him often. Xoxo Jessica B.
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