Hasta luego, Dakota!
Oh my goodness, I knew this day would come, but didn't realize how much of a baby I was going to be about it. That's right, Dakota left today for her new home in Oxford, MA. It was a sad fare-thee-well, but obviously coated with extreme elation that our baby doll Dakota was off to officially start her life, leaving all the bad behind. I dropped her off alone, therefore there is no proof (phew!) of my theatrics/tear session at the American Airlines cargo terminal. I did manage, however, to get some shots of Dakota during my day with her before I sent her on her way.And so here they are...pictures of Kota. It's important to notice how she is no longer a walking skeleton:
All smiles on this girl now!
She's just so happy.
At this angle, she almost looks fat.
And she talks sometimes now, too!
The highlight of her day: a bath (said with much sarcasm)
My last pep talk and petting session with sweet Dakota. It'll be hard not to miss this face.
Off she goes to Boston!
Kota says, "Thanks for all your help to make me feel better. It worked!!!" I would like to personally extend my thanks to all of you for giving this dog a second (or third, depending on who you talk to) chance at a wonderful life. This (Dakota's rescue, fundraising and rehab) has been an amazing experience for me in these first several months I've been rescuing animals and truly reboots my faith in what people are willing to do to help those who can't ask for it...los animales.Thanks you all, again, so much,Shanti
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