That's right folks, Dakota is back in action. As for when she gets to go to her NEW HOME!!! in Massachusetts, both doctors would like to see results for one last blood test around March 19. If everything looks good, Dakota will be shipped to her forever home around the last week of March. Considering all that Dakota has been through, she came out the other end better than ever. I brought her back to Dr. Ramos' after her sutures were removed and gave her a bunch of kisses on behalf of all of her fans.
After dropping off Dakota, I went out to Ceiba to pick up Riley and Gage. Maria, a Ceiba local, has been fostering Riley for about two and a half weeks and eventually figured out that Riley was pregnant. So my first stop was Maria's house to check on Riley. Maria was very nervous about Riley giving birth in her house, so I took her with me. Gage stayed at Melodie's house Monday night so I wouldn't have trouble finding him at Los Machos in the middle of the day on Tuesday. The ride back to San Juan was easy with these two satos, Riley laying quietly in a kennel while Gage sat patiently behind my left shoulder, head on the back of my seat, throughout pretty much the entire one-hour drive.
Couldn't really get a good picture of Gage in my car; every time I tried taking a picture, he would start licking the camera. I ended up with 10 pictures of a pink blob. This is him behind me while I was driving, occasionally licking my hair.
And the verdict at Dr. Ramos'...Gage is heartworm positive, but is in great shape considering. He will still be a perfect dog for St. Hubert's, but we're trying to figure out if he will go on the shipment at the end of this month or not (treatment pending). Riley, oh, Riley. It looks like our little, one-year-old pooch is going to give birth within a week or so.
I wish I had her situation figured out by now, but I don't. As of now, I am looking into the possibility of sending her to St. Hubert's (waiting to talk to Jackie about what she thinks) before she has her puppies, though that might not be the best thing for her; I need more information first. At the same time, we're also trying to find a perfect foster-care situation where she can both have her pups and stay for about 8 weeks, which is proving to be very difficult. Regardless, she will be cared for, as will her pups.
ADLA has also decided to go ahead and prep another little Los Machos sato, Alfie (who is also being fostered by Maria), for the trip on March 28. I will be sure to post a list of the dogs rescued recently who will be going to St. Hubert's at the end of the month; right now, I'm still unsure considering all the of the health obstacles we've run into.
I realized last night that I have yet to explain Mika's situation. If you don't remember Mika, shame on you. Just kidding...she's that big, goofy Napoleon Mastiff that we were raising money for awhile back. Remember?...Her adopter didn't have the funds to ship her to New York, so we raised the money. Well, as it turned out, the adopter backed out due to a new insurance policy prohibiting her from having any "aggressive breeds," unfortunately including Napoleon Mastiffs I guess, on her property. So Mika is still at Melodie's, and we are doing what we can to find her a forever home...again. I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner; I think I was in denial of the whole situation.
Dakota (yes, our million-dollar dog still has unpaid vet expenses), Gage, Riley and Chalupa are in desperate need of donations, considering their respective special conditions (which often translates to "more expensive conditions"), so please contribute if you can!
I should find out more info about Riley today, so stay tuned...
p.s. In later news, Riley will be staying here to have her pups. So we will find her a great foster home for approximately 2 months (which hasn't been found yet), at which point we can send her and her little angels to St. Hubert's or elsewhere.
I wish I had her situation figured out by now, but I don't. As of now, I am looking into the possibility of sending her to St. Hubert's (waiting to talk to Jackie about what she thinks) before she has her puppies, though that might not be the best thing for her; I need more information first. At the same time, we're also trying to find a perfect foster-care situation where she can both have her pups and stay for about 8 weeks, which is proving to be very difficult. Regardless, she will be cared for, as will her pups.
ADLA has also decided to go ahead and prep another little Los Machos sato, Alfie (who is also being fostered by Maria), for the trip on March 28. I will be sure to post a list of the dogs rescued recently who will be going to St. Hubert's at the end of the month; right now, I'm still unsure considering all the of the health obstacles we've run into.
I realized last night that I have yet to explain Mika's situation. If you don't remember Mika, shame on you. Just kidding...she's that big, goofy Napoleon Mastiff that we were raising money for awhile back. Remember?...Her adopter didn't have the funds to ship her to New York, so we raised the money. Well, as it turned out, the adopter backed out due to a new insurance policy prohibiting her from having any "aggressive breeds," unfortunately including Napoleon Mastiffs I guess, on her property. So Mika is still at Melodie's, and we are doing what we can to find her a forever home...again. I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner; I think I was in denial of the whole situation.
Dakota (yes, our million-dollar dog still has unpaid vet expenses), Gage, Riley and Chalupa are in desperate need of donations, considering their respective special conditions (which often translates to "more expensive conditions"), so please contribute if you can!
I should find out more info about Riley today, so stay tuned...
p.s. In later news, Riley will be staying here to have her pups. So we will find her a great foster home for approximately 2 months (which hasn't been found yet), at which point we can send her and her little angels to St. Hubert's or elsewhere.
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