As for that weekend update I had promised, well, there isn't much more to tell yet. The Arecibo Shelter has gotten some press lately for its unimaginably poor conditions, and we should have some news this week as to a resolution to the problem, as meetings are being held that should decide, hopefully, whether or not the shelter needs to be shut down (yes, this means a mass rescue effort will be involved) or kept open and run more properly (also meaning that a budget must be set and USED for the shelter. In an email I recently received, an animal activist and frequent volunteer at the Arecibo Shelter listed the following cases of neglect and abuse she has witnessed since the official opening of the shelter (as I've had to say before, brace yourself for this): - Unsterilized males and females are mixed in large kennels
- Large and small dogs are also mixed in kennels; small dogs are not able to compete for food
- No bowls for food and water (though the last time I went to the shelter, we bought approx. 30 bowls...hmmmm)
- Dogs sleeping in puddles
- Food on the floor (not to mention the dogs) is soaked in water and cleaning chemicals
- Newborn puppies are dying from being soaked and left to lay on the wet and cold floors
- Cats are eating kittens; no getting enough food
- No one is cleaning the cat area; cats all mixed in one area
- No one seems to buying food; food is primarily being supplied by animal activists and the public
- No vet care for sick and/or dying animals
- No vet on-site
- Little to no medications or vaccinations are given to animals in need
- Sick, injured, and dying dogs are kept on site until they die since they are not set up for humane euthanasia
- Dogs run over by cars are also kept in pain without vet care
- Dogs are given up for adoption without being sterilized
*Please note that I paraphrased the original email I received.
So yes, something needs to happen ASAP. As soon as we hear word of what's going to happen next, I'll let you know. As of now, we're preparing for all the options, whether it be a huge rescue mission with the help of other groups and individual rescuers on the island or having Jackie Fahey from St. Hubert's come down to show the Arecibo Shelter how it should be done. I have a feeling we may end up doing a mixture of the two.

This year, as you can see, Dakota will be a chicken for Halloween, and her sister, Renita (also an adopted sato), will be a pig. If Patty wasn't such a good mom, I might comment, "Poor babies!" However, when it comes down to it, it doesn't get much cuter than dogs dressed up as chickens and pigs. Thanks for sharing, Patty. While Dakota does look a bit annoyed in the photos (Ha!), I couldn't be happier she continues to live the life she always deserved.More news to come this weekend...I promise. There's A LOT going on. For an update right now, check out Liz's summary of recent events at the Arecibo shelter. Yup, there's trouble over there again. It's a mess: an inhumane, gut-turning mess. And, of course, Amigos de los Animales will be involved in making something, though we are working on what, happen.
Arecibo Shelter In The News Again
Thanks, Liz...words like this out of our fearless leader's keyboard leave me overtly flattered and a bit teary-eyed.
Liz's fare-thee-well to Colin and I
All in that order...Colin and my move back to California began on September 26. We flew into Orlando, picked up our car nearby the airport, and started our trek cross-country. Two days into the trip, our beloved computer crashed on us, leaving me virtually inaccessible. I am still a bit hard to reach via email, as our internet is not technically hooked up yet, but I have started work (as of today), so at least I have a computer there. I apologize to all of you who have been waiting patiently (at least I hope!) for a response to your emails. I should be easier to access from now on.We arrived in San Diego on October 6, and we are both completely enamored with the sunset we can watch from our home's balcony.I will be much more regular with posts/updates within a week or two, but desperately need to get settled into our house, job, and all the rest that comes with moving ~3000 miles before I can be the blogger I once was.As of now, no new dogs have been rescued from Los Machos Beach, as we are still paying our bills. However, things are looking up, as we now are only about $700 in debt. It's just so much easier to swallow than a couple thousand, isn't it.I'm already missing the satos desparately, though looking at our Los Machos-rescued sata Boca everyday won't allow me to forget them and the fact that those wonderful dogs need to be in the same boat Boca is...that is the truly loved, well-fed, and frisbee-playing boat.Shanti