Friday, September 19, 2008
FYI:Sending Checks
Please make checks payable to:
Amigos de los Animales
ATTN: Los Machos Beach Project
PMB 357
1357 Ashford Avenue
San Juan, PR 00907
Also, please add LMBP to the memo line of the check. Sorry for any confusion. All changes have been made to the sidebar of this blog as well.
Thanks SO much,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Iris and Bambi
Iris will be going to Chicago with Alicia of Second Chance Rescue sooner than later. Unfortunately, Iris is still quite shy, but it seems in her best interest to send her now and allow her to adjust to the domesticated life in Chicago versus adjusting in San Juan only to be put through the traumatic experience of air travel months after she comes around.

Bambi, on the other hand, is being scooped up by foster mom extraordinaire Adrienne of Wag On Inn. Though details are still being ironed out, Bambi should be flying as a carry-on on next week's flight to Newark on Sept. 26.

Zoey, our orange foster puppy who battled the odds, was also adopted by a co-worker of Kate's at the Veterinary Specialty Center in Buffalo Grove, IL. Needless to say, I've been dying to see how big both of them have become, if Zoey has full coat of fur finally, if Sebastian has gotten over his suckling needs, and all the rest. Rosa, Adri's rescue from Arecibo with the unforgettable underbite, was also adopted in a heartbeat through Wag On Inn.
Today, a woman I have gotten to know quite well via phone, Marlene, is coming over from the small town Utado to ship off her rescued pups Diamonte, Cuba, and Miriam (pictured above as the "Bandana Gang"). They will be shipped up to Boston where ADLA's Rosina will pick them up and shuttle them off into foster care until the ADLA fundraiser she's planned on Sept. 19. Boy, do we need one of those. I know it's getting old to hear about it, but we still need nearly $5000...and it's not like we've stopped rescuing either. Our bill continues to grow. What's scary now is that we will HAVE to stop soon if our bills continue to go unpaid. As generous and patient as Dr. Ramos has been, enough is enough.
My focus this week, to raise $300 for Los Machos Beach's Marley, whose heartworm treatment began on Sept. 2. He has been cleared to go to New Jersey on Sept. 30 for the TEAM SATO walk I've discussed in a previous post. However, he has not even been partially sponsored. Anyone wanna throw this guy a bone, made of money???

Thanks so much everyone,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The delay in posts

Needless to say, I've been planning many things at once, not leaving me much room for blog-writing. But I'll sqeeze in a bit of an update while I drink my second cup of coffee today.
Sofia, the recently rescued gato from in front of my new apartment in Ocean Park, is doing great. Turns out she was well on her way to having and large litter of kittens when I picked her up, but Dr. Ramos was able to perform the oh-so-important spay and abort procedure since she was not too far along. She is still at Dr. Ramos', though my running buddy Becca has asked to foster her for the rest of Sofia's time on the island. Fine by me!!! Eventually, pending Jackie's approval of course, she will go to St. Hubert's.
Marley, the most recent Los Machos sato Adri and I rescued, began his heartworm treatment on Sept. 2 and is doing very well. Dr. Ramos and his staff says Marley has been a very "chill" and happy dog, though he doesn't seem to be the biggest fan of puppies jumping on him. I guess Marley let out a corrective "grrr" upon being molested by some puplets at the clinic. It's alright, Marley. I know puppies can be a bit much sometimes. If all goes well with Marley's HW recovery, he will be shipped off to New Jersey for the SPCA event in New Jersey, where he will be up for adoption on behalf of "Team Sato."
Well, there's a bit for now. Hopefully it won't be so long until next time!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I've named her Sofia, after one of our neighbors in our complex who was also feeding her from time to time. Sofia is a rare beauty. The first time I saw her, she pretty much just darted over to me, as if she knew what my area of work has been for the past year. She charmed me with her sweet mew, walked graceful figure eights between my legs, and began to expect me on a daily basis. As soon as I confirmed that she's no one's cat officially, I decided that she was just too gorgeous, sweet, and adoptable for this street life. The truth is there are so many cats in Ocean Park that rescuing each one we see within its half-a-mile radius would not work out so well considering our limited resources. Most of the time, spay/neuter and release is the best option. That being said, there are always exceptions.
So, now that Colin and I are officially carless, Liz was kind enough to loan me her ride for the morning so that I could bring Sofia into Dr. Ramos. Boca came along for the ride, for what turned out to be an oh-so-dramatic nail trimming. That's right...our Boca is a drama queen. In her defense, however, it was her first nail trimming. She bled a bit, too...poor baby.
If you feel so inclined to sponsor Sofia, you'd be making a great investment!!!!
Thanks for reading,